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The ASCIA Immunodeficiency Strategy has been developed by ASCIA, the peak professional body of clinical immunology/allergy specialists in Australia and New Zealand, in consultation with patient organisations (AusPIPs, HAE Australasia, IDFA and IDFNZ), and other stakeholders. Whilst the main content of the Strategy was completed in November 2020, the final version of the Strategy was launched on 29 April 2022, to coincide with the International Day of Immunology and World PID Week.

ASCIA has developed a webpage in response to the COVID-19 infectious respiratory disease outbreak caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus at The webpage includes links to information about COVID-19 and primary immunodeficiency (PID).

Since 2019 ASCIA has been working together with patient organisations and other stakeholders to develop the ASCIA Immunodeficiency Strategy at a national level for both Australia and New Zealand. 

The ASCIA Immunodeficiency Strategy’s purpose is to improve the health and wellbeing of people with primary immunodeficiency (PID) disorders, also known as inborn errors of immunity (IEI), and minimise the burden on individuals, carers, health services and community.

On Friday 8 March 2019, ASCIA hosted the first meeting for the ASCIA Immunodeficiency Strategy at the Parkroyal Hotel Melbourne Airport. This meeting involved a total of 32 representatives from:

  • ASCIA (Clinical immunology specialists, nurses and dietitians).
  • Patient organisations (AusPIPS, Immune Deficiencies Foundation of Australia, Immune Deficiencies Foundation of New Zealand, HAE Australasia).
  • Major PID/IEI research centres (Jeffrey Modell Foundation, Australian National University, Walter and Eliza Hall, Garvan Institute).
  • Funding bodies (National Blood Authority, Jurisdictional Blood Committee)
  • Supply channels (Australian Red Cross Blood Service).
  • Other stakeholders (NPS MedicineWise).

Unrestricted educational grants from CSL Behring and Grifols assisted ASCIA to host this meeting. The program and outcomes from this meeting are not influenced by this support.